Latest News
Dear friends,
I hope you are all well and have been able to do some work in your gardens during the recent warm spell.
We have distributed approximately 78 schedules up until now. If you haven’t collected yours yet they will be available at the next Community coffee morning, in the village hall, on Friday, 21st March, between 10.30 and midday, and, of course, at the Spring Show. The subscription has gone up to £4 this year, to cover the increase in hall hire. If you have already collected your schedule, please ignore this paragraph!
As usual, all the details of our events are in the Schedule.
Here is a reminder about the Spring Show, which is coming up fast. We are looking forward to seeing many of you again and enjoying the spring plants and flowers. Don’t forget to bring your anemone plant/s (if you are lucky enough to have been successful). There will be a plug plant for you to take home and grow on and bring back to the Autumn Show. It is a red double begonia. We have a limited number of them though, so it will be first come, first served!
Pympe Manor Gardens are open for a one-off day visit on Saturday, 31st May, between midday and 5pm. The estate is near Benenden Hospital. If you are interested, let me know and we might ask the owners if we could visit as a group. The cost of entry is £6, in aid of the Hospice in the Weald. Refreshments are available too, for an extra cost.
Best wishes,
Pat Sargent (Chair)